Mother’s Day Can Be a Mixed Blessing

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Lots of women enjoy the day, and the extra attention and pampering from their families. I hope you are one of them!

For many different reasons, though, Mother’s Day can be a hard time. Some of us may grieve the loss of a mother who was dear, or the loss of the chance to be a mother ourselves. In my case, the relationship I had with my mom, who passed away in 2014, was a difficult one where appreciation didn’t come easily for either of us.

If you aren’t looking forward to another Mother’s Day because of the emotions it brings up for you, I’ve created some support to help you through. In the video below I offer an EFT Tapping experience intended to help recognize and release feelings that may come up this weekend for those of us who struggle to celebrate Mother’s Day. EFT Tapping is a wonderful and easy-to-learn mind-body tool that I regularly use to clear stuck emotions in the Spiritual Coaching and Intuitive Energy sessions I offer through Tapping Courage Wellness. I’d love to hear from you about your experience of Mother’s Day – feel free to comment below, or visit the Tapping Courage Wellness Facebook page.

It’s not too late to give the gift of a Soul Detective session to yourself or someone you love. Ancestral healing as well as unhelpful family patterns learned in this life can come up for clearing with this amazing work. Click on the “Work With Me” button above for more information and/or to book an online session.

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