Nana and her grandbaby

Release trapped emotions today!

Life can feel like one long lesson about how to have more healthy emotions & less “bad” ones. Or am I the only one that feels this way? Read on if you are interested in experiencing more healthy feelings!

What if we processed emotions like babies do?

Nana and her grandbaby
Nana and her grandbaby

Lately I’ve been spending lots of time with my sweet grandson. Even though they don’t talk, babies sure let us how they’re feeling! Giggling can turn to tears in an instant. Then the tears disappear and the smiles are back once a dry diaper or food appears. All is forgiven and forgotten, and it’s time for experiencing the joy of being held or drooling on your favourite toy.

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve been upset or scared, I know I don’t recover my joy that quickly.  At some point early on in our lives most of us learned that it’s not okay to express our feelings honestly. Especially emotions like sadness or anger, which can make other people uncomfortable, too. When we feel these things but don’t express them, they can become trapped inside us. Because we are all – despite appearances – vibrating energy, these “bubbles” of unexpressed sadness, grief, fear, etc turn into heavy stuck “rocks” of energy that keep us from living life to the fullest.


But there’s good news if you are ready to release some trapped emotions that are weighing you down!

This weekend, May 31st and June 1st, there are a few free online healing experiences you can tune into online. And if you are reading this after those dates, don’t worry because my online Healing Circle meets once a month so there’s always a chance to participate.

Upcoming Free Online Healing Events

EFT Tapping on grief:

The first free event is happening Friday May 31st at 8:00 pm ET (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT). I will be joining an online “Campfire Chat” hosted Helen from Blueberry Road End of Life Doula Services. We will be doing some EFT Tapping together, focused on releasing stuck grief in our bodies. Click here to learn more and sign up to receive the Campfire Chats Zoom link.

Healing Circle focused on releasing trapped emotions:

On Saturday June 1st,  my free online monthly Healing Circle happens at 8:30 am CT (9:30 ET, 7:30 MT, 6:30 PT). Tomorrow’s focus will be on freeing us from trapped emotions. Everyone who attends should leave behind at least one heavy “rock” of stuck emotional energy! Get the information to join here. Check out the Climate of Joy Facebook page where information is also posted. This will be the last Healing Circle until September, so don’t miss it!

Sing along to Healthy Feelings

And speaking of healthy feelings, the talented musician and writer Jada Siwak has released an album entitled “Healthy Feelings”. While it is labelled a children’s album, I think everyone should listen at least once a day. It’s upbeat, fun, and a good reminder of what many of us didn’t learn when we were kids ourselves. Like: “My feelings help me navigate all throughout the day..these are my feelings, my healthy feelings. My feelings help me when I’m happy or I’m feeling sad, tired, grumpy, hyper, calm, or really really mad…”

Healthy Feelings Album

Listen to Healthy Feelings – at least once a day! – wherever you stream your music. (Full disclosure, my daughter sings backup on several of the songs in the album. One more reason to enjoy it, I think!)

Check out Jada’s Children’s Music and Books website for fun, too.

Ready for some in-depth emotional healing?  Click here to book a Body & Emotion Code session. You may be sending messages like I found in my inbox yesterday from a grateful client after a Body Code session focused on releasing hip pain:

“Christine, I just wanted to let you know I was able to run this morning! My hip felt great! A slight twinge but hardly noticeable…Thank you for all your help!”


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