Exploring Energy Alignment & Your Intuition: DYSP Zoom Calls

In each of these zoom calls, Christine walks participants through different energetic work to increase clarity and connection to our Inner GPS. The deep energetic work in these videos includes releases subconscious reversals and vows (from this life, as well as ones we inherited from our family and from past lives), identifies our Soul and Personality cards, and releasing blocks to following the original soul blueprint for our life.

The Tree of Life card spread that is included in the DYSP process culminates in a visioning process to create a Vision Board based on your Soul Purpose.

Zoom Call #1: Releasing Blocks To Trusting Your Intuition

Are you ready to release energetic blocks that keep you from listening to your inner GPS? Follow along as Christine leads participants release subconscious objections, also called psychological reversals, to trusting our intuition. Also released are outdated vows of obedience made at an earlier time that served us when we made them, but are now stuck in our energy systems, keeping us from living the life we are truly meant to. Releasing these subconscious objections and vows can open the path to living a life that is more aligned with our soul purpose and our inner guidance.

Zoom Call #2: Diving into Soul & Personality Tarot Cards

What do your Soul and Personality cards reveal about you and your life purpose? Christine delves into how to find out these significant cards, and discusses what is revealed by discovering our Soul and Personality tarot cards. As a bonus, Year and Teacher cards are also discussed.

You’ll want to have a pen and a journal or notebook handy, as well as access to a tarot deck. If you don’t own one, don’t worry you can easily access tarot images online. Here is one website to use: https://www.tarot.com/tarot/decks.

It would be helpful for you to have your Guide to Personality and Soul Cards e-book handy to refer to during this call. It can be accessed in the “E-book Resources to Download” section of this course.

*Note: this video has been edited for the privacy of the participants.*

Zoom Call #3: "Reaching Upward" Card Spread

Christine walks through the extra spread in Week 3, the five “reaching upward” cards in the DYSP Tree of Life spread that help us take a deep look at the “real me” inside each of us.

Zoom Call #4: Clearing Blocks to Your Life Blueprint

Are you 100% aligned with your original energetic blueprint, the plan for your soul purpose in your life? Christine works with a group to clear their energetic blocks to being aligned with their original energetic blueprint. Tapping along with this clearing will help you clear the blocks (also called psychological reversals or subconscious objections) that are keeping you from being aligned with this important life plan. 

Zoom Call #5: Creating a Vision Board For Discovering Your Soul Purpose

When you have completed your Tree of Life card spread following the prompts provided in this course, you are ready to create your very own Discovering Your Soul Purpose Vision Board! In this video, Christine walks participants through creating their vision board*.

Have these things handy before you start watching the video:

  • A pen and your DYSP journal (or some kind of paper)
  • Several old magazines (the kind with more images than articles)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • A manila file folder (either 8 1/2 by 11 inches or 11 x 14 inches) to use as your board. Bigger is not better!
  • Your Tree of Life card spread. You can take a picture of it to refer to, or have the cards spread out in front of you. If you have cards that have shown up more than once, just make a note of where the duplicates are in the spread. 

Tip: Libraries and second hand stores can be good places to access old magazines. These days, some people prefer to gather their images from free online websites such as unsplash.com or pexels.com and then create an online board on Pinterest, or print out the images and glue them on their board. You decide what inspires your creativity the most!

*Note: this call has been edited to protect the privacy of the participants*